How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet (3 Easy Ways…)

Getting rid of cracked heels and foot callouses can make your feet look and feel better. Plus, it can help relieve foot pain caused by painful callouses. Here are 3 DIY techniques that show you how to get rid of dead skin on your feet.

Option 1: Exfoliate with a Homemade Foot Scrub

Hard, dry and calloused skin can exfoliate better if you soften it beforehand. Try natural ingredients like milk and olive oil as shown in the video below.

Then, you can exfoliate with a moisturizing scrub. The moisturizer can help prevent your feet from developing callouses in the first place. Therefore, you can enjoy softer feet without having to exfoliate as often.

Common Causes of Cracked Skin on Heels

According to Podantics Podiatry, some of the most common causes of dry and cracking skin on your feet include:

  • Walking around barefoot frequently.
  • Standing for long periods of time, especially on hard floors.
  • Increased body weight.
  • Shoes that don’t fit well, including not supporting the heel.
  • Living in arid climates.
  • Vitamin deficiencies.
  • Poor circulation.

How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet: Foot File Removing CallousesSome of these causes my be easy to fix, for example, walking barefoot frequently.

On the other hand, you might not be able to relocate to a less dry city. However, you can easily moisturize your feet more often. Scholl says that creams with urea, aloe and keratin help restore hydration.

Option 2: Remove Dead Skin with a Foot File or Pumice Stone

Prior to applying a moisturizer, though, it’s a good idea to exfoliate with a pumice stone or a product like the PedEgg. Therefore, you prime your skin to absorb the moisturizer much more effectively. Here’s how to use one:

Find out More About the Ped Egg

Using a foot file can also really help, especially if you live in a dry climate or walk around barefoot a lot.

Option 3: How to Prevent Cracked Heels and Foot Callouses

Prevention can often be the best solution. Kansas City Foot Specialists recommends avoiding hot showers and baths as well as staying hydrated by drinking lots of water.

They also suggest rubbing urea cream on your feet before bed and then wearing socks while you sleep. This allows the cream to deeply moisturize your feet.

Urea cream hydrates and softens the skin, and it is even known for removing foot callouses. Look for brands with a higher 40% concentration rather than 20%.