How to Dry Brush Your Face & Body (in 6 Minutes)

Dry brushing techniques are easy to learn and simple to do. In general, you want to brush towards the heart and use long sweeping strokes on the arms and legs. On your abdomen area and near joints, (like knees and elbows), use a small circular motion.

How to Use a Skin Brush the Right Way:

Woman's Face with Clear Skin with Dry BrushingKeep in mind that you want to apply enough pressure to stimulate the skin without aggravating it. The Chopra Center recommends using lighter pressure where the skin is thin (such as the chest or face), while you can apply more pressure on the soles of the feet.

You can do skin brushing at any time of day and as frequently as you like. That said, Dr. Jessica Peatross MD says that dry brushing first thing in the morning before showering can stimulate a lymph system to release and flush toxins. This is a good way to help keep your immune system functioning optimally.

How to Dry Brush: A 6-Minute Routine for Body & Face

Below, Trista Thompson from walks us through her 6-minute dry brush routine. She says that this Ayurvedic tradition goes beyond “brushing towards the heart”.

She includes lymphatic system charts that display the body’s lymph system. Plus, she explains the proper dry brush technique according to the diagrams. I find it especially helpful how she spells out how many strokes to take in each area.

Soft Facial Brushes | Medium-Bristle Body Brush

Thompson starts by brushing her face, followed by circular motions on the abdomen. As you’ll notice throughout her dry brushing routine, she doesn’t always brush towards the heart. As you establish your own regimen, try different methods to find out which ones fell best for you.

Take care to avoid sensitive skin areas such as varicose veins, rashes or open wounds.

How Often Should You Clean a Dry Brush?

How Often Should You Clean Your Dry BrushThis will vary, depending on how often you use your brush and how dirty or dry your skin is. Typically, you can tell when you need to wash you dry brush by simply looking at it.

Manufacturers typically recommend using regular soap and water to clean the bristles. Alternatively, you can soak the brush in a solution of baking soda and water. Trista uses hydrogen peroxide about once per week.

If you use your dry brush in the shower, rinsing it out after each use may work fine. However, for wet use, you want to hang up your brush between uses to ensure it thoroughly dries out.

6 Dry Brushing Tips

Dry Brushing Tips for Dermatitis:

Rob Stuart helps people with skin issues, including eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. Dry brushing is his #1 recommended skin treatment.

He found from personal experience that dry brushing his face helped clear his dermatitis. In addition, he also noticed after exfoliating his skin that he would need less and less moisturizer.

Below, Stuart demonstrates how to dry brush using a long-handled brush. The advantage to using a long handle is that you can reach your back

Long-Handled Medium-Bristle Dry Brush