How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Your Face (The Best Way?)

How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on FaceExfoliating dead skin has many advantages, especially on the face.

For example, sloughing off dead skin cells can minimize the appearance of wrinkles and make your pores look smaller. Get more tips here: What is Dry Brushing.

In addition, removing old skin along with surface dirt can help to keep acne and skin blemishes under control.

The Best Way to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Face:

The question is: what is the best way to get rid of dead skin on your face? Should you use a cream, and acid a scrub or a brush? And, is dry brushing better than wet brushing?

I used to think that a daily facial scrub would accomplish my exfoliation needs. However, it turns out that water tends to plump up skin, which in turn makes it more difficult to exfoliate.

In addition, many woman agree that dry brushing enhances circulation more than other forms of exfoliation. Plus, this method removes dead skin cells more effectively.

What About Wet Brushing VS Dry Brushing?

Woman Holding Face Dry BrushContrary to what many people believe, wet brushing tends to be more abrasive simply because pores open up in a hot shower. Furthermore, you can clog the open pores with dead exfoliated skin that you are now brushing around.

Instead, dry brush before your shower. Then, rinse off the dead exfoliated skin before your pores open up. This way, you achieve a cleaner exfoliation without agitating your skin as much.

Dry brushing will also help boost blood circulation, remove toxins and firm the skin. And this all happens while you are exfoliating!

That said, if you live in an arid climate, you may prefer wet brushing to dry brushing. Since your skin would be extra dry already due to the surrounding environment, water can act as a lubricant. Wet brushing can also be gentler on sensitive skin.

Note: if you choose to do wet brushing vs dry brushing, use cool water instead of hot. It’s better for your skin.

In the video below, Leda Lum explains the best method for dry brushing your face. As you’ll see, she uses long sweeping strokes that go out and down towards the heart. Plus, she doesn’t forget the neck area.